¿alguien recuerda esta escena?
Published 05 mayo 2006 by Rodrigo | E-mail this post
Bob and Charlotte, drunk in the elevador.
- 54?
He nods, she pushes 54 for him and 56 for herself.
The look at each other across the empty elevator, both leaning against the walls.
The elevator stops at 54, he leans in to kiss her good-night. They kiss like you would on the cheek- but it’s closer to their mouths. The door shuts- he missed his floor.
The elevator continues up, and stops on her floor. The kiss good-night again and she gets out before the door closes.
He watches the door close on her as she makes her way down the long beige hall.
Es la que más me gusta de la película.
Aquí el guión completo.